ANET is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote best-practice in road ecology and the design of environmentally-sensitive linear infrastructure. We provide a centralised location for the latest evidence on the design, construction and evaluation of environmentally sensitive roads and linear infrastructure.
We aim to improve the flow of high-quality information among stakeholders, including planners, engineers, regulators, researchers and community groups.
The Public
Image: yaruman5
Environmentally sensitive roads will reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, resulting in increased motorist safety and reduced costs for insurance claims and vehicle repair.
The Environment
IMage: l. Harrison
Linear infrastructure that is environmentally sensitive will better conserve biodiversity by minimising negative environmental impacts such as road kill and habitat fragmentation.
The Bottom-line
image: L. harrison
Saving money by ensuring the most efficient and effective methods are considered and implemented early in the planning process, and ensuring unsuccessful measures are not repeated, environmentally-sensitive roads will be cost-effective.